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Program Learning Outcome

Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)

SIKAPPLO1Memahami sikap bermasyarakat dan bernegara berdasarkan Pancasila.
PLO2Berkarya dengan perilaku etika sesuai bidang keprofesian teknologi informasi dan jiwa kewirausahaan.
PENGETAHUANPLO3Menguasai pengetahuan bidang sistem informasi, sistem komputer, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, serta metode untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam organisasi.
PLO4Kemampuan mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah, berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap informasi dan data.
PLO5Kemampuan menerapkan ilmu komputasi, matematika, dan statistika di bidang sistem informasi.
PLO6Mempunyai pengetahuan dalam penyusunan algoritma pemrograman yang efektif dan efisien serta dapat merancang, membangun, dan mengelola aplikasi sistem informasi secara tepat dan akurat untuk pendukung pengambilan keputusan.
PLO7Kemampuan memahami kebutuhan akan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat termasuk akses terhadap isu-isu mutakhir di bidang sosial dan kemanusiaan.
KETERAMPILAN UMUMPLO8Mampu menerapkan kemampuan manajerial, standar kompetensi kerja, komunikasi efektif, dan kolaborasi untuk mencapai kualitas kerja sesuai standar mutu industri.
PLO9Mampu memelihara dan mengembangkan jaringan kerjasama dan hasil kerjasama di dalam maupun di luar lembaganya.
KETERAMPILAN KHUSUSPLO10Mampu melakukan pengembangan sistem berbasis komputer dengan menggunakan pendekatan dan sumber daya yang tepat, algoritma yang efektif, serta teknik dan tools paling mutakhir.
PLO11Mampu melakukan pemodelan sistem informasi, basis data, dan merekomendasikan pemilihan perangkat lunak sistem Informasi yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi.
PLO12Mampu menggunakan algoritma, metode, dan proses untuk mengekstraksi pengetahuan dari data terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur.

Learning Outcome (LO)

ATTITUDEPLO1Understand the attitude of society and state based on Pancasila.
PLO2Work with ethical behavior according to the field of information technology profession and an entrepreneurial spirit.
KNOWLEDGEPLO3Mastering knowledge in the field of information systems, computer systems, information and communication technology, as well as methods for solving problems in organizations.
PLO4Ability to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving, based on the analysis of information and data.
PLO5Ability to apply computational science, mathematics, and statistics in the field of information systems.
PLO6Having knowledge in compiling effective and efficient programming algorithms and being able to design, build, and manage information system applications precisely and accurately to support decision making.
PLO7Ability to understand the need for lifelong learning including access to the latest issues in the social and humanitarian fields.
GENERAL SKILLSPLO8Able to apply managerial skills, work competency standards, effective communication, and collaboration to achieve quality work according to industry quality standards.
PLO9Able to maintain and develop a network of cooperation and the results of cooperation within and outside the institution.
SPESIFIC SKILLSPLO10Able to develop computer-based systems using the right approaches and resources, effective algorithms, as well as the most up-to-date techniques and tools.
PLO11Able to perform modeling of information systems, databases, and recommend the selection of information system software that best suits the needs of the organization.
PLO12Able to use algorithms, methods and processes to extract knowledge from structured and unstructured data.